Resources for Students
To help you in the task of gathering information, the following materials are recommended. These references are available through most University libraries, or through local libraries with inter-library services. Also listed are some resources from the Internet, which you may find useful.
- Armstrong, J. G. and Loewenstein, R. J. (1990). Characteristics of patients with multiple personality and dissociative disorders on psychological testing. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 178, 448-454.
- Kluft, R. P. (Ed.). (1985). Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc.
- Kluft, R. P. (2000). The Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Dissociative Identity Disorder in the Context of Trauma Therapy. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 20(2), 259-286.
- Liotti, G. (1999). Disorganization of attachment as a model for understanding dissociative psychopathology. In J. a. G. Solomon, Carol (Ed.), Attachment Disorganization (pp. 291-317). New York: Guilford Press.
- Loewenstein, R. J. (1991). An Office Mental Status Examination for Complex Chronic Dissociative Symptoms and Multiple Personality Disorder. In R. J. Loewenstein (Ed.), Psychiatric Clinics of North America (Vol.14, pp. 567-604). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.
- Main, M., Morgan, Hillary. (1996). Disorganization and disorientation in infant strange situation behavior: phenotypic resemblance to dissociative states. In L. K. Michelson, and Ray, William J. (Ed.), Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives (pp. 107-138). New York: Plenum Press.
- Nijenhuis, E. R. S., Vanderlinden, J., Spinhoven, P. (1998). Animal defensive reactions as a model for trauma-induced dissociative reactions. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 11(2), 243-260.
- Putnam, F. W. (1989). Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press.
- Putnam, F. W. (1997). Dissociation in Children and Adolescents. New York: The Guilford Press.
- Silberg, J. L. (1996). The Dissociative Child: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management. Lutherville, Maryland: The Sidran Press.
- Spiegel, D. (1994). Dissociation: Culture, Mind, and Body. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc.
- Steinberg, M. (1993). Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.
- Terr, L. C. (1991). Childhood Traumas: An Outline and Overview. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148, 10-19.
- van der Kolk, B., MacFarlane, Alexander, Weisaeth, Lars. (1996). Traumatic Stress. New York: Guilford Press.