Individual Membership
Learn details about each membership type below. To join or renew your membership online, please click the become a member or renew your membership button. All membership categories have the option to add the printed JTD for an additional fee. All memberships include complimentary online access to the JTD. To view a full list of Individual Membership benefits, visit this page.
ISSTD offers discounted membership rates based on our Six-Tier Membership pricing. Please note that all fees are in USD.

ISSTD members now have the option of one-year, two-year and automatically renewing memberships – select from these options at checkout.
Please read the membership type descriptions below to select the member type that best fits you, then join ISSTD as a member by using the above link. You will be prompted through the steps of registering, including creating an account and providing your professional information.
Renewing in the new system has been made easy!
Log in using your email that you used when you paid your membership dues. (If you forgot your your password, there is a reset your password option)
If you are up for renewal, you will have a reminder at the top of the screen once you are within your member renewal window (90 days prior). When logged in to your account at the above link, you will see the “banner” at the top of your login screen reminding you to renew and counting down to your expiration date. To renew, click on the “Renew now!” link to complete your renewal.
Existing members – looking to manage their account, donate or update their profile, login here.
Membership Types
Please read more about our varying career stage membership categories as you will be required to pick during registration the one that most applies to you.
Student membership is open to those enrolled in a program of study leading to a degree or certification in the mental health field and who have an interest in trauma and dissociation. Student Membership is also open to trainees and interns in the mental health professions who are practicing under supervision. Student Members shall be required to show proof of student or intern/trainee status each year. All Student Members must act in accordance with the Code of Conduct and remain in good standing with their university/institution.
Emerging Professional
Emerging Professional membership is open to mental health professionals who have completed an advanced degree and are in the first three years of their career (or first three years after graduation for researchers). Emerging Professional members shall have all of the benefits of Full Membership. Emerging Professional Members are required to provide their licensure or graduation date each year. All Emerging Professional Members must remain in good standing with their current professional regulatory authority/institution/registration body and act in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Professional (Full)
Professional membership is open to professionals primarily involved in the provision of services, research, education or public policy in an area related to trauma and dissociation. All members must act in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Members who are mental health or health care providers must be either licensed professionals in good standing with their professional board or mental health professionals who are practicing under the supervision of a licensed professional or qualified with the accepted legal or cultural standards for conducting clinical practice in their locale. Professional members are required to provide their licensing details on an annual basis when renewing their ISSTD membership. For membership of non-clinical professionals, good standing must be demonstrable by their relevant professional board, employer or employing institution.
Retired Membership is open to Members who have retired from active practice or research and are working less than 10 hours spent in clinical work, consultation or teaching. To be eligible for Retired Membership, the Member must be at least 65 years of age. Retired members must remain in good standing with their current or previous professional regulatory authority/institution/registration body and act in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
The Emeritus Membership is a free and honorary membership category. To be eligible for Emeritus Membership, Members must either be 80 years of age or older and have 25 or more years of continuous membership with the ISSTD or be 70 years of age or older and have been awarded ISSTD Fellow Status. Prospective Emeritus Members must be able to demonstrate that they meet requirements and remain in good standing with their current or previous professional regulatory authority/institution/registration body and act in accordance with the Code of Conduct
If you still aren’t sure which category applies to you, or if you have any questions, please contact
If you are experiencing trouble with the online membership system, please use the below forms. Please print/fill out the appropriate form below, and return via email or mail by the instructions on the form. Please note these forms must be emailed or mailed once completed – these do not automatically submit.
Paper New Membership Application Form
(to be returned by email or mail)