ISSTD Fellows

To be considered for Fellow status, a person must have been an ISSTD member for at least five years and must present evidence of outstanding contributions to the field of dissociation in two or more of the following categories:
- Outstanding clinical work, teaching or research regarding dissociation and dissociative disorders, demonstrated by scientific publications, presentations, consultative work, or wide recognition by peers;
- Outstanding contributions to the ISSTD or its component groups, through serving as officers, on committees or task forces, organizing programs or meetings, contribution to newsletters, or similar activities;
- Outstanding administrative contributions evidenced by developing programs for treatment of dissociative disorders or for teaching or research concerning dissociation;
- Outstanding accomplishments in informing the public at large concerning dissociation and dissociative disorders through contributions in the media, publication, political advocacy, or membership on advisory panels.
ISSTD Fellows
Adithy, PhD
Remy Aquarone, MSC
Richard H. Anderson, MD
Judith Armstrong, PhD
Su Baker, MEd
Sandra Baita, PhD
David V. Baldwin, PhD
Peter M. Barach, PhD
Janet Beauregard, PhD
Ruth A. Blizard, PhD
Suzette Boon, PhD
Sandra Bouabjian, MA
Elizabeth S. Bowman, MD
Bethany Brand, PhD
Philip Bromberg, PhD
Laura Brown, PhD
Lisa Butler, PhD
David L. Calof, DAPA
Etzel Cardeña, PhD
Eve B. Carlson, PhD
Thomas G. Carlton, MD
Richard A. Chefetz, MD
James A. Chu, MD
Diane Clare, MA (Hons) PG Dip Clin Psych
Catherine Classen, PhD
Deborah Cohen, LCSW
Christine Mason Comstock, PhD
June M. Conboy, PhD
Kevin J. Connors, MS, MFT
Philip M. Coons, MD
Frank Corrigan, MB, CHB, MD, FRCPSYCH
Rosita Cortizo, PsyD, LMFT, MA
Christine A. Courtois, PhD
D Michael Coy, MA, LICSW
Richard M. Cross, UKCP
John Curtis, MD, FRCP
Michael Dadson, PhD, MDiv
Constance Dalenberg, PhD
Lisa Danylchuk, MEd, MFT, E-RYT
Lynette Danylchuk, PhD
Heather Davediuk Gingrich, PhD
Charme S. Davidson, PhD
Garrett Deckel, MD, PhD
Paul F. Dell, PhD, ABPP
Martin Dorahy, PhD
Reinhild Drager-Muenke, PsyD
Nel Draijer, PhD
Jan Ewing, PhD
Susie Farrelly (deceased)
Catherine G. Fine, PhD
Brad Foote, MD
Christine Forner, MSW
A. Steven Frankel, PhD, JD
George A. Fraser, MD, FRCP
Jan Freeman, MSW, LCSW-C
Jennifer J. Freyd, PhD
Donald Fridley, PhD (deceased)
George K. Ganaway, MD
David H. Gleaves, PhD
Steven N. Gold, PhD
Steven Goldfinger, PsyD
Janice Goldman, PhD
Joan Golston, DCSW, LICSW
Ana M. Gomez, MC, LPC
Niki Gomez-Perales, MSW, RSW
Jean Goodwin, MD, MPh
Carol Greaves, RN, MS, CS, APRN
Joan Haliburn, MD, FRANZCP
Heather Hall, MD
Pamela E. Hall, PsyD
Naomi Halpern, CQSW
Ericha Hitchcock Scott, PhD, LPCC, ATR-BC
Richard Hohfeler, PsyD
Sally Holmes, MSW, BDC
Karen Hopenwasser, MD
Jillian Hosey, MSW RSW, LICSW
Elizabeth F. Howell, MD
Marlene E. Hunter, MD, FCFP
Rafaele Huntjens, PhD
Rosalie Hyde, LCSW
Susan Hykes
Sheldon Itzkowitz, PhD, ABPP
Annita B. Jones, PsyD
Milissa Kaufman, MD, PhD
Benjamin B. Keyes, RN, MS, CS, APRN
Philip J. Kinsler, PhD, ABPP
Ellen P. Klein, MSW, LCSW, BCD, LMFT
Richard P. Kluft, MD, PhD
Marilyn Korzekwa, MD
Christa Krüger, MBBCh, MMed(Psych), FCPsych(SA), MD
Andreas Laddis, MD
Ulrich Lanius, PhD
John W. Laughlin, MS, PA
Lauren A.M. Lebois, PhD
Andrew Leeds, PhD
Wendy Lemke, MS
David Leonard, MB, BS, DPM, FRANZCP, AM
Richard J. Loewenstein, MD
Jennifer Madere, MA, LPC-S
Lynn Margolies, PhD
Renée Marks, PhD
Stephen S. Marmer, MD, PhD
Alfonso Martinez-Taboas, PhD
Peter A. Maves, PhD
Jeanie McIntee, PhD
Kate McMaugh, MHSc
Larry Michelson, PhD
Warwick Middleton, MB BS, FRANZCP, MD
Janet Migdow, PhD
Alison M. Miller, PhD
Dolores Mosquera, Psy
Robert Muller, PhD
John A. O’Neil, MD
Francisco Orengo-Garcia, MD, PhD
Erdinc Oztürk, PhD
Sandra Paulsen, PhD
Gary Peterson, MD
Judith A. Peterson, PhD
Dennis S. Pilon, LCSW, MSW, MFT
Frank Putnam, MD
A.A.T. Simone Reinders, PhD
Judith Block Remet, MD
George F. Rhoades, Jr., PhD
Naomi Rosborough, LPC-S
Colin Ross, MD
Charles H. Rousell, PhD
Roberta Sachs, PhD
Vedat Þar, MD
Adah Sachs, PhD
Michael Salter, PhD
Rochelle Sharpe-Lohrasbe, PhD
Shielagh Shusta-Hochberg, Ph.D.
Joyanna L. Silberg, PhD
Valerie Sinason, PhD, MACP, FIPD
Robert Slater, MSW, LCSW-R
Sylvia Solinski, MB, BS, FRANZCP
Eli Somer, PhD
Anne Soukas-Cunliffe, YM, MPhil
Kathy Steele, MN, CS
Marlene Steinberg, MD
Phyllis Stien, MSN
Emma Sunshaw, PhD
Anne Suokas-Cunliffe, MPhil
Paula Thomson, PsyD
Moshe Torem, MD
Tally Tripp, MA, MSW, ATR-BC
Joan A. Turkus, MD, DLFAPA
Joanne Twombly, MSW, LICSW
Jon Uhler, MS
Annamiek van Dijke, PhD
Irina Vogt, PhD
Ralf Vogt, II, PhD
Frances S. Waters, LMSW, DCSW, LMFT
John G. Watkins, MD
Willa Wertheimer, PsyD
Victor Welzant, PsyD
Sandra Wieland, PhD
Norman L. Wilson, MD
Roxanna Wolfe, PsyD
Na’ama Yehuda, MSC, SLP
Eva Young, MPS, ATR-BC, LCAT
Linda M. Young, MD
Joanne Zucchetto, LICSW